GT-IISP Lecture Series

Notes from GT-IISP’s Cyber Security Lecture Series: Automatic Feature Engineering: Learning to Detect Malware by Mining the Scientific Literature

three people hacking a computer system

As a Georgia Tech OMSCS student as well as working software professional, advanced security topics are always something I want to learn more about. Georgia Tech’s Institute for Information Security & Privacy is presenting a weekly Cybersecurity Lecture Series on Fridays this fall, and being a local I’ve started attending them. Here are my quick (albeit not necessarily complete) notes from this week’s presentation by Tudor Dumitraș, Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland.

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Notes from GT-IISP’s Cyber Security Lecture Series: Software Assurance & Exploitation

three people hacking a computer system

As a Georgia Tech OMSCS student as well as working software professional, advanced security topics are always something I want to learn more about. Georgia Tech’s Institute for Information Security & Privacy is presenting a weekly Cybersecurity Lecture Series on Fridays this fall, and being a local I’ve started attending them. Here are my quick (albeit not necessarily complete) notes from this week’s presentation by Joel Odom of CipherLab @ GTRI.

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Notes from “Breaking Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) with Intel TSX”

three people hacking a computer system

As a Georgia Tech OMSCS student as well as working software professional, advanced security topics are always something I want to learn more about. Georgia Tech’s Institute for Information Security & Privacy is presenting a weekly Cybersecurity Lecture Series on Fridays this fall, and being a local I’ve started attending them. Here are my quick (albeit not necessarily complete) notes from this week’s presentation by Yeongjin Jang, a PhD student at Georgia Tech.

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Notes from “The Myths of Computer Security”

three people hacking a computer system

As a Georgia Tech OMSCS student as well as working software professional, advanced security topics are always something I want to learn more about. Georgia Tech’s Institute for Information Security & Privacy is presenting a weekly Cybersecurity Lecture Series on Fridays this fall, and being a local I’ve started attending them. Here are my quick (albeit not necessarily complete) notes from this week’s presentation.

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